hi hello who are you why do you want my info ahhhhhh
I'll write a better intro later (probably), but in the mean time:
hi! I'm autumn! but call me whatever I Do Not really care. I'm making this site for basically the same reasons as anyone - I don't like the state of the commercial internet right now, and I've been finding social media very boring and kinda just generally a bit shit for a while now, but I do love the internet and I'm not quite ready to abandon it yet. So, here we are! Ideally it'd be nice if I sat down and actually put together the whole site in a vaguely legible working manner and then updated it and added things regularly, but knowing me, realistically it will remain barely finished and lacking in any/all detail forever more, and I'll log on sporadically to poke at the code then go back outside again. If you were hoping for a nice polished site in the future, I'm sorry but I think you'll be waiting a longgg time. Anyways. Thanks for stopping by!
some things I like:
- invertebrates! (particularly strange wasps, native bees, interesting moths, sickass spiders and anything else odd I find around. Mild flex, but I did actually discover a whole new genus of spiders in the Theridiidae family, with the closest relative likely to be Steatoda species (no they have not been formally described and no I do not know when this might happen, as far as I know they may never be formally named but whatever don't care still cool)
- nature in general - but primarily australian ecosystems and all native inhabitants of them (with heavy biases towards dry sclerophyll and woodland habitats bc that's my home). I've studied conservation and while looking at most things to do with it does bum me out bc...shits NOT good.... I still have a little hope and it's reassuring to work on my little projects and do the things I can to help.
- pixel art! I suck shit at it bc I just don't have the patience however. love looking at it!
- video games - mostly indie games, I could list some titles but really you probably know the ones (but maybe I'll make a page on my favourites at some point?)